Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tutorial: Organizer Baskets 2 in 1 Instructional!

Hello my dears! After taking a little break, and spending a few days doing the leg work, I finally bring you the Organizer Basket Tutorial. Are you excited? I am!

Before we begin you'll have to do your OWN leg work (Lazy, Lazy, thought I covered that for you hmmm :P) But don't worry! This is a journey I'm totally willing to take with you, in spirit at least ;). You're first task, however, is to find a Dollar Store (Or several) you can trust. Alternatively, and if you aren't on a budget, you can visit a Craft supply store (Micheal's, Johanne's, Hobby Lobby ect.), or a Target, or even a Thrift Store, because it's shocking the amount of Craft Supplies you can find at that place.

But I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're cheap like me.. Wait, that um came out wrong. Anyway...'

Can't you just sense the pure joy and awesomeness radiating from this place? I can. I. Can.

So as you enter your Dollar Store, the first place you want to try and locate is the craft supply aisle. EVERY dollar store I've ever visited has had some sort of paper or art section, however pitiful it might be it's still a gold mine of crafting ideas. If you're willing to be sneaky and creative with them. Like a Craft Ninja... Doing Mixed Martial Arts & Crafts... I'm done now.

This is just one of the several I've visited but this one happens to have...

RIBBON! Among other things. You can see foam pads in various colors, beads, paints, crafts for the kids and there's a lot more I didn't take pictures of. Because people gave me strange looks as I pulled out my IPad Mini in a Dollar Store. No one ever accused me of tact. Moving on you judging judgers.

This place also has...
 An entire basket aisle 0_0. If I was the Easter Bunny I'd be flipping out.. Or flopping out, you know cause he's a rabbit? Get it? 

Ahem, so browse the selection, try to find what you can and don't be discouraged if it takes a few different places before you find your Craft-opia. If you're insane about it like I am you can find several wonderful places to become a regular at. Worse case find a Hobby Lobby and visit their web site. You can use your phone to show it to the cashier or print it out and just give it to them, but theres a weekly 40% off one item (of your choosing) in the store. If you go when they have sales already you can make out like a bandit AND you can use that coupon again the following Monday.

So lets head home and get our implements of crafting together. We will be doing two projects, one with hot glue (or fabric/craft glue) and one without any gluing. Here's what you'll need:

Baskets (Color, pattern and however many is up to you. I chose to make 2 in this tutorial)
Ribbon (However many colors you'd like)
School Glue
Card Stock or Thick Paper
Any Markers or Paints you want to use
Any accessories you'd like to add
Hot Glue Gun or Craft/Fabric Glue
Tacks and/or Picture Hangers

Lets begin with the No Glue Organizer. 

Step 1.) Take your basket and pick our which colors you'd like to add with ribbon. I chose Blue and Black. The basket is on the smaller side, which I would recommend because the bigger the basket the harder it is to hang them.

Step 2.) Using one of your colored ribbons, start by threading the end of the spool through the first or second weave opening at the neck of the basket. 

Step 3.) Wrap the ribbon around the top and through the next opening. If you're using more then one color ribbon you'll want to skip every over opening. Later on we'll be threading the alternate color through the empty spaces. Repeat this process, you'll want to take time to pull a length of ribbon through and be ready to have scraps. At some point you can just guess how much more you need (and add 3-5 inches more) and cut it off, making it easier to weave.

Step 4.) As you can see I had a lot left over, but that's okay. At this point you need to cut off the ends, leaving 6 inches of ribbon on each end.

Step 5.) Use the ends to create bows. Alternatively you can also tie them tight and cut them shot, tucking them into one of the weaves in the basket. Personally I love bows. It's the girl in me.

Step 6.) Repeat steps 2-5 with your other color. You should look at your basket and be sure that where you begin and end will line up with the previous bow that you made. Again, remember to alternate every over one. This should be easy seeing how you have the blue to guide you.

Step 7.) Tie your bow and Ta-Da! Your basket is done, unless you'd like to decorate it in which case move your butt down to Step 8! :P

Step 8.) Get your decorations in order. I chose scraps of my ribbon and I made a label using card stock and a sharpie. I glued down torn pieces of ribbon onto the card stock and then added some feathers I had and a bead. I really just messed around with it. This is my finished product. 

So there you go! I've compiled a few methods of hanging these up. I'll include that at the end. So if you're planning on staying for the Glue Gun Basket then move right along, if not go ahead and scroll your heart out. You have my permission.


For the next basket you'll need a hot glue gun. Or Craft/Fabric glue, though I can't tell you how well it'll work. I think Gorilla Glue is also a viable option but really people, just go down to Target or Hobby Lobby and throw 10 bucks at a Glue gun and glue sticks. It's the best thing you can do for yourself if you plan on crafting often and you WILL see me preaching that in nearly EVERY craft -.- So be ready to be pestered. Moving on!

Step 1.) Pick out a fabric that you want to use and some ribbon for decorating. Personally, I love clashing colors. Or just colors that don't go together. Seriously I was two seconds away from throwing purple on that bright orange. But anyway, once you have these things, you'll need to cut your fabric out. What I did was drape it over the basket and cut out a circle around it allowing for extra slack that reached to the bottom of the basket. Remember to press the fabric down INTO the basket as well.

Step 2.) Using the excess fabric you need to fold it under and count how many weaves down you want your fabric to go. I folded mine and left two rows of the basket showing. While keeping it folded trace a line of hot glue over the basket, not fabric. I worked in 3-5 inch segments but if you're new to the glue gun or just don't like getting burned (not that I enjoy it it's just my impatience wins out against my pain tolerance) then I suggest you work in 1-3 inch segments. Remember you want to be careful with the excess fabric INSIDE the basket.  It won't be glued so be very aware of how much you use when folding and gluing. Continue this process till finished. When you get to the rounded parts you will need to fold vertically as well to get it smooth.

Step 3.) Once the fabric has been glued down and dried (Which takes minutes after it's been set down) You need to chose how you want to decorate it. I chose to line the bottom fold with red ribbon and then make bows out of orange ribbon and attach them to the sides. I also made a little tag in the same fashion that I did the previous basket. You can really just search your heart for ideas and come up with any number of things to decorate yours with. 


So now that you have your baskets, lets discuss hanging them up. I have a couple of options for you. Though if you can think of a better way to do this please, please, please email me with it! :)

The first option is to use tacks. 4-6 get the job done, though you should use more if you plan on weighing down the baskets. Like, I don't know, if you have a weird thing with keys and happen to have 12 sets of them or something. Of if your like me and never ever look at your mail. Ever. It's filled with bills and junk mail and I can't throw one of those things away -.-

With the fabric baskets the tack method is the only method I could come up with. The tacks I used are  transparent, so their harder to see. I also thought of using those round, flat, metal tacks but I was too lazy to go buy them :P Regardless the ones I chose worked well for both projects and held them up without a problem so far. 

Alternatively, you can hand up the No Glue basket using Picture hangers. Or whatever their called.

That, they are the things I'm talking about. Picture hangers or whatever. So you'll want to put them into the wall before placing the basket on them but this is how you attach them:

Space them evenly apart and remember where you want them. Then you need to nail them into the wall and Ta-Da! You can hang your basket right on it!

Note: It will droop slightly. The tacks are better in my opinion but if you want more stability this method works.

So there you go! You've made your baskets and hung them up. I hope you enjoyed this craft. I'll probably do it again myself when I go in to wrestle the monster that has become my Craft Room >.<. Until next time friends! I'm hoping to do a couple of mini posts and a big one at the end of this week. A Kid's Craft, A Tool Craft (Making your own crafting tools), and a Craft Craft. Also since I haven't said it enough. Craft. 

With Love (and craftly wishes),
Crafty Kitty =^.^=


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