I refuse to believe anyone's feet look like that.
So naturally I see this and think it'll be a great post and an even better use of my (limitless and endless) time. On a slightly related note I don't recommend Agoraphobia to anyone -.- Moving on!
The ingredients are pretty straight forward but I made a slight adjustment. A cup of fluid for both og my massive, big foot sized feet didn't seen like enough. So I doubled everything.I had all this stuff in my house already but you can find it all at a Dollar store. You'll need:
Listerine (Mouthwash, off brand will work, don't be a snob)
Vinegar (Apple cider vinegar or White vinegar works)
A Tub to soak your feet
A Towel
Measuring Cups
Like I said, you can pick all of this (including the tub and towel) at a dollar store. At least I could at any dollar store I visit. Somethings probably wrong with you if you can't. Just saying ;P
You've seen pretty feet, you get to see my feet!
I may have jumped at the opportunity to do something, anything really, to the horrors that have become my feet. This is a good time to mention that if this image ends up on a foot fetish site I'm going to be very upset.
Stop looking at my feet you creeper and get your supplies!
You have you're things, now lets get mixing!
I mentioned before that I doubled the recipe, which I did. I'm under the delusion that people with smaller feet then mine (size 9-11 depending on the full moon -.-) don't exists. With that being said, I'm gonna assume you're a descendant of the Yeti as well and tell you what I used for mine:
2/3 cup Vinegar
2/3 cup Mouthwash
1 1/2 cup Hot water
Mix this all together in a bowl and set yourself a timer.
On another note...
This wasn't fun and it was my biggest bowl. I'm too lazy to get another one. Yes I know I tell people to just buck up and go to the store but I don't wannnnnnaaaaa....
Ahem, so anyway I rummaged around and found another container and halved the solution into each.
Better if only slightly.
15 minutes of waiting and.... (I kept switching tubs with my feet because the red one didn't touch my toes.)
The Facebook post said that the skin would peel right off. It didn't, honestly it did take a bit of work but the dead skin came off. It works best with a hot, wet slightly course cloth.
You can't tell so well in this photo but they're actually a lot smoother. I recommend you not be lazy like me and wash your feet BEFORE putting them in the Solution.
However, after I cleaned up my nails, trimmed them, got rid of the old polish and put on some lotion my feet felt like a million dollars. Seriously felt like I had gotten a real pedicure and it had only taken me 30 minutes!
The Pros:
Smoother Feet
Mildly Relaxing
Gives your feet a deeper clean
Manicure and Pedicure Safe
The Cons:
The smell isn't... great
Some irritation and inching can occur. Wash your feet before AND after.
All and all, I'd say this at home beauty treatment is well worth it. It's inexpensive and quick and the results are fun! Besides everyone deserves to pamper themselves. Anyway, I completely recommend trying this out for yourself! Let me know if your experience is different :) Also, if anyone else wants me to play guinea pig just say the word!
Love & Other Mushy things,
Crafty Kitty =^.^=
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